Art Therapy

Art-therapy is a journey into the vast inner world of the personality with the methods of arts. It is about connecting with yourself through drawing, modeling, writing, meditations, associative cards and projective techniques. Other instruments would be photography, expressive arts, theater, dance, music…
Experiential learning activates neural pathways that are connected to both the “emotional” parts of the brain and the parts responsible for cognitive processes and planning. This can lead to neurobiological effects with the potential to alter the maladaptive structures in behavior, the psyche, and even the genetic substrate of personality damaged by early experience.
Areas of expertise
My relationship with Art-therapy started back in the 2017, shortly after I gave birth to my third child. Now, six years later I work as a certified art-therapist with children, teenagers and adults in different institutions. I also have my owm practice. Sessions are both available individually and in small groups. Sometimes even online sessions are possible if neccessary, though I highly reccomend the eye-to-eye sessions.
My previous experience in art therapy includes working with:
- women
- children in crisis centers
- children separated from their families
- teenagers with addictions
- youth with disabilities
Education background
Expressive Art Therapy
Art Therapy and Working Therapy
Teacher in Fine Arts from the First to the Twelfth Grade in Comprehensive and Professional Schools
M.A., Sculpture, National Academy of Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria
B.A., Sculpture, National Academy of Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria
Graduated Fashion Design in Sofia, Bulgaria
If you are interested in art therapy session, please browse my Services section to find what is possible.